Thursday, May 17, 2007

See more bad dating places !!!!!!

Food in teeth, nausea, childhood stories and exposing your pot belly are all things you ought to avoid on first or second dates. You run the risk of experiencing these and other humiliating incidents if you choose the wrong place to bring your date. Good places are memorable, different, unique, cost-effective, and relevant to both of you in some way. Bad date places have none of these qualities and the worst places not only lack these things, but also embarrass you and assure that you'll never get another date with the person again.

Let's look at the function of a date. If you're single, a date acts like an interview. Your goal is to get the other person to still like you enough when the date is over to go out with you again, assuming you're still interested as well. You're trying to appear cool, sexy, together, confident, and fun. You're also trying to make the other person as comfortable as possible.

That's why avoiding the worst places is the first step in smart dating. The following lists the worst places you could choose to go on a date and I recommend that you avoid them like the plague if you want the other person to still like you when it's over.

An Amusement Park

As the roller coaster nears its pinnacle your date looks over the side and silently swears under her breath at you for talking her into going on this ride. She hates roller coasters, has always been afraid of them, and is highly susceptible to motion sickness. As she contemplates her strategy to avoid you in the future, the coaster starts its stomach-turning decent, and she leans over and throws up in your lap, her way of saying "Thanks for the great date".

Amusement parks are a funky phenomenon. You'll often find overgrown stuffed animals running around trying to high-five you, screaming children, long lines, and overpriced food. Unless your date is an amusement park buff, it's unlikely he or she is going to love the idea.

*** The Beach ***

Don't get me wrong, the beach is a great place. But from the point of view of a date with a near stranger, it stinks. First, there's an awful lot of sand and it can get everywhere. You can't easily eat on the beach; a lack of furniture contributes to that. With sand and bugs-o-plenty, eating ends up being a drag.

But probably the worst thing about the beach is that you're compelled to take off most of your clothes. Now, if you both have hot bodies, well-groomed with flat stomachs and great muscle tone, then you have nothing to worry about. But if you don't, stay away from places that make you feel silly if you want to keep all your imperfection-hiding clothes on.

*** A Non-Traditional Restaurant ***

One time I took a date to a Japanese restaurant where they made everyone take off their shoes upon entering. There were no chairs, just floor-level tables that everyone sat around on little pillows. It didn't seem like it was going to be too bad until I started to smell my feet while eating our salads. The noxious odor must have been escaping from the various holes in my ratty socks. The whole night was humiliatingly awkward.

Other places to avoid are eateries where you're expected to use your hands to feed yourself. A first date doesn't want to watch you maul your barbeque ribs and chicken legs like The Missing Link. No one likes the thought of being touched later on by greasy fingers. And have you ever eaten corn on the cob and come away with clean teeth?

*** A Family Function ***

I don't know about your family, but a few of my great-aunts have hairy faces. I mean really hairy, with partial beards and hairy moles. One of my uncles thinks he's still living in 1880 and uses every racist expression ever known. So it goes without saying that I never brought dates to family functions. And you shouldn't either. Weddings, reunions, baptisms, bat mitzvahs, and especially funerals, are out.

There's no such thing as a family that isn't dysfunctional. It doesn't exist. If you bring a first or second date to a family function be prepared for somebody to embarrass you. Grandma will ask you two when you're getting married and when to expect great grandchildren. And your little cousin Eunice will promptly tell your date all about the time you farted in church.

*** Your Parent's House for Dinner ***

I can't think of a more uncomfortable setting than sitting at a dinner table with complete strangers in their own house. Don't put a date through this torture. You may have the hippest parents in the world. They may intelligent, hospitable and interesting. But don't subject anyone you just recently met to your parents for an entire dinner.

Often the parent of your same sex looks like you're going to look in twenty five years. You'll find your date sizing up your parent asking themselves whether they'll be ok with your pot belly and hairy ears a couple of decades from now.

Bringing your date to your parent's house is just asking for trouble. Your mom may temporarily forget that you're trying to make an impression and start talking to you like you're thirteen years old again, "Before you leave tonight my little muffin, can you take your hemorrhoid ointment out of our medicine cabinet, daddy keeps using it for lip cream by mistake."

Dates can be traumatic and nerve-racking in the best of places so don't make it harder on either of you than you have to. There are some great places to take a date that will make you look like a hero, won't cost you too much, will give you just enough time to talk to each other, but will also provide an entertaining distraction.

I'm talking about museums, jazz shows, rock concerts, musicals, art shows, plays and live comedy. These are all cool places to bring a first or second date. They allow you to talk and be entertained at the same time. These types of places make the date memorable, distinct and out of the ordinary. It shows you put more than just a little thought in the idea. And if you're trying to get someone to go out with you for the first time, find out what kind of bands, shows, comedians or plays they like, buy a couple of tickets, and casually invite them along with an explanation like your buddy just cancelled on you and you have a free ticket that you don't want to waste
see more articles at
See Jason OConnor's site to get great date ideas and buy tickets to Concerts, Theater, Shows, Events and Sports.

Monday, May 14, 2007

How internet dating become so popular now a days???????


Try to picture what used to happen earlier in the days when people had to depend on the good ol' postal system. During those days, a person had to wait for one or two days for a letter to get across to a person who lived in the same state itself. The second person in turn would take one or two days to respond and this letter would take on or two days to get back to the first person.

So in effect, a single correspondence would stretch over a week. But now it's a totally different story. The time taken for the first letter and the response has been brought to an amazing 2 minutes! Waiting may make the heart grow fonder but e-mail makes two people get close faster!


The Internet provides for absolute privacy too. One can carry out communication with another person in the absolute privacy of one's bedroom or bath room or wherever one chooses to be. There is no fear of eavesdropping (ugh) or over hearing (shudder!) thanks to e-mail and chat facilities.

Options and Opportunities

The Internet provides for other options like voice chat or video conferencing and stops short only of the physical touch. But then who would want to start a relationship by touching right away? You can see a person, talk to a person, and listen to the person's voice, can you think of a better way to start a date?


All this and more is possible thanks to the internet and the best part is that all this comes to you for peanuts. All you need is a P.C (who doesn't have one?) and an Internet Connection (how can anybody live without one) and you are all set. The only thing more you could ask for is a step by step guide to find your dream date?well here it is!

Are you lonely? Are you looking for someone special? Visit Online Dating and find date, romance, marriage, and fun. Millions of singles are waiting for you.

more details are available at

How To Approach Women in safe and in good manner????

Now, let's start at the very beginning, what's the first thing you have to do before starting a conversation with a girl? Yeah, right, approach her! That's the first step you have to take - how to approach woman. Succeed in this direction and you can move on to the conversation part or else, kiss your chances with this particular girl good bye.

So, how do you approach a girl? Is it easier if she is alone as compared to being with a group of friends? What about you? Prefer to have your friends around too (to sort of act as a booster to your bravado) when you approach her or you operate better solo? Or probably you would prefer to have a wing man.

If having a wing man is your choice then by all means please choose a wing man who has had some measure of success with girls. Don't get an inexperience one as you are bound to mess things up big time or worse, he'll probably mess it up for you!

Having a wing man is not without its advantage especially if you are new to this ball game. Your wing man can show you the ropes and help you out if you are stuck in the rut. On the hind sight, just make sure he is not interested in the same girl as you are. Both of you have to be very clear of your objectives from the start. You can't be both hitting at the same girl!

Before we proceed, it is good to take note of your dressing. Do ensure that you are always neatly dressed. You need not be garbed in designer labels but rule of the thumb is to look neat and pleasant. Check out the scenarios below:

Scenario 1
A lady is sitting in a cozy eatery reading a book while waiting for her dinner to be served. There's something about her that catches your eye and you walked up to her and said hello. When she looked up, she saw a smiling, neat and casually dressed gentleman.

Scenario 2
A lady is sitting in a cozy eatery reading a book while waiting for her dinner to be served. There's something about her that catches your eye and you walked up to her and said hello. When she looked up, she saw a smiling, unkempt guy with five o'clock shadow stubble on your chin and shirt that looked like he had slept in it.

In scenario 1, lady would most probably return the guy's greeting with a smile but she would definitely be on guard and feel defensive in scenario

2. These are simple scenarios that show the impact of your appearance in forming first impression of you.

Enough about appearance, what about the attitude that you should project when you approach a girl? Smile and look friendly, don't look like your pet just got run over by the garbage truck or worse, look like a stalker!

Visit Online Dating Trainer for tips on building self confidence, dating tips on how to talk to women and online dating guide.

Why She rejected you and wat you can do as a remedy????

Why some women not attracted to some men..some may be due tothe reason as follows
one who have lower STATUS than themselves. There is always tension when a lady is taller than her man, she makes more money than him or when a guy is being 'led around' by his girlfriend or wife..

1. You ask the lady where she would like to go. If she seems indifferent, then make a decision: call her and take to a place YOU know and think she would like.If you don't, she won't see you as a leader.

2. If you dating this lady who seems cute and beautifull, and likewise great company and seems successful too, you think you like her A LOT. You ask her out a second time and she agrees.


1 tell her that you are beginning to have the feelings towards her

2. remember do not call her the next day to ask her out again. You have to: give her a little space - let her 'miss' you just a bit.Let her pursue you.

3. You meet this nice girl and get her phone number and email address. You set a date and what? - she doesn't turn up. she was 'busy'sometime.when you Call her tomorrow and she is still 'busy'. What happened? This 'girl' probably committed herself and later changed her mind... What to do? Give her a few days and then call again- confront her with her poor behaviour.

If there is no change, move on.and move will succeed


When you ask a lady what she 'wants to do', you put her in control. Most women DO NOT LIKE THIS. It makes them well uncomfortable.

* If you can't make up your mind about where to take her, and then wind up taking her to her favourite cafe, you have failed.Why? You have shown that you CAN'T LEAD.
*Remember to always treat your girlfriend / date well.
So - what kind of men are women attracted to?
~Men who LEAD. Men who are in control of themselves and situations.
~Men who MAKE DECISIONS and stand by them. (This is why you can
ask a girl what she wants and take her to her favourite cafe / club
tell her how you feel about her and watch as she loses interest in you.)
~Men who treat them well but don't allow the woman to control them.
~Men who show respect for women enough to take no for an answer.
~Men who look after their personal hygiene and grooming
~ Men who show interest in the lady - as a person not as a sex object.
The list goes on.


Attraction is not like other areas of life.It just happens. Guys, being too 'nice' won't earn you any more points. Attraction seems to be triggered by things that make no sense at all and can be easily destroyed. ver to you...

AUTHOR: Award winning Beauty Specialist / Make up Artist Lucy Nadia Muyemba is an online enterperneur with 2+ experience as a match maker. Subscribe to receive her free Steps to Success newsletter. send a blank email to: Or visit for 1000s of thought provoking Dating, Beauty and Self development tips.

Safe online dating : 7 ways to safety

Dating online can be great fun, stimulating and exciting. So let's first get it into perspective. Some of us just like to have fun but are sick of the singles bars and other similar nite spots that are the last resort for finding a decent partner or lover. They often result in the wrong person even if you are lucky enough to meet someone. Or, you may have once upon a time met someone that 'fitted the bill' but over time this has proved not to be the case any longer, so.......long story short, you are now once again looking for a better fit. You might be just plain lonely or recently dumped by that someone who promised to be there forever. If you're senior in years, you may just be seeking a companion or someone who has similar interests. These days, it's quite likely that you are someone who's busy most of the time and don't have the time to go galavanting around the place looking for a date and attending dinner parties with the hope that your friends have selected a decent blind date on your behalf.

Whatever your reason, online dating can definitely help make it happen much sooner than many of the other tedious activities which most of us have experienced at some stage. Of course, you are also able to do this late at night (24/7) in your 'jim jams' when you have the time or better still, the inclination.

If you've found what you believe to be a quality site, and it has a large enough data base to support your searches, then you're half way there. While I'm on it, you would be best to register with 2 or 3 dating sites so that you can spread you options that much further.

This brings us to an extremely important consideration and the most imperative part of the process - Your Safety!

I won't pretend to have all the answers, but as much as Internet dating sites have proven time after time that they 'deliver the goods', someone nasty or let me say unscrupulous turns up. These loathsome characters can be easily avoided simply by following these rules and proceeding with caution. Follow these guidelines and you will enjoy what could be the beginning of a wonderful relationship(s) without taking any risks.

If you're smart, these point will become your checklist and eventually a habit.

- Remain anonymous - do not reveal your real identity, email address, home address, telephone numbers, your birthday or indeed, your place of work during your early days of communication

- Don't be dissuaded from the above point

- If you are operating from home check your ISP server to ensure your profile is not revealing more than you'd like.

- Use alternative email services for dating(I have listed FREE services at the bottom of this page).

- Take your time in your first telephone discussions - ask questions (nicely) remembering that they are probably in the same position as you.

- When you do decide to meet for the first time, make sure it's in a public place ie. Coffee shop etc. Do not meet at each others home or anywhere secluded or remote. Take a mobile with you and more importantly, tell a friend or relation where you are going. - Some people even have a friend turn up and sit at another table for comfort - without anyone else knowing of course.

- Here's the last point - stick to all the above points no matter what!

Here are some sites for free email services to help you remain anonymous;

On-line dating while following these rules and can lead you to great friendships, lovers and often marriage.


Publisher & Author: Roy Barker. Roys expertise comes from a lengthy career in the counselling, human resources and corporate arena. Roy has a dating site review service at

Here is the final solution for dating...!!!

I run a blog where I discuss the topic of the many games people play in the dating arena. I've posted hundreds of articles, many of which point out many of these troubles. Even if you haven't read the blog, you probably are aware of some of these schemes. While I wish it were easy to sum everything up into one neat, overlying problem, it's not that simple. Let me point out just a few of the issues.

For one, there's a definite lack of respect in dating nowadays. People don't even care about their partners enough to treat them as they deserve to be treated. Gossip, ridiculously high expectations, and rejections by ignorance are only some of the examples in this area. Grandparents are always carrying on about how today's generation has such a lack of respect. They talk about how, in their day, people cared about others and banded together through difficult problems. Why do they talk about these things? Because they're right! Through every activity in which I've been involved, I've encountered this problem. I'm tired of working for a hundred hours on a video project when the president of the organization receives but doesn't bother to even reply to your E-Mails asking him to review it. I'm sick of being ostracized from groups because I don't care to participate in their petty disagreements. And I'm exhausted after people expect me to work to death in volunteer organizations!

There are always exceptions to this rule, and I'm sure that there are many people who do have a great deal of respect for both their peers and their elders. Unfortunately, the majority, or at least the majority with the most influence, simply don't care.

Second, nobody is honest with themselves, let alone anyone else. Dating has turned into a torrent of backstabbing of which even Mark Burnett would be proud. Asking someone out is nearly impossible, because the gossip about it has already spread to a thousand people before you make the move. Then, when a rejection occurs (even if it's not rude), the rejector spreads rumors around to all his/her friends that cause them to completely ignore you, refusing to invite you to parties or even to initiate conversations with you. The biggest insult is that even if you asked point-blank, you'd still never get a truthful answer as to why such harm was directed towards you.

As if what occurs after a rejection isn't enough, people attempt to steal others' girl/boyfriends. One day, things are going well, and the next you find yourself wondering what happened to the relationship that was forming - that is, until you notice that person spending a lot of time with who you thought was your best friend. No explanation is offered, not even a "good-bye."

Third, people are not looking for someone who spends his or her time working to get ahead instead of getting flat-out drunk, who doesn't curse at or ignore his or her mate, and who actually makes time for whatever is occurring between them (whether it be a full-fledged relationship or just plain sex). They say they're looking for these things, but in reality, they're attracted to people with the attributes described above. "Confidence" is not the answer to the equation. Assuming they both possess the same level of "confidence," the above-described person would win every time over the "warm, caring, and intelligent" (wo)man that people claim is the ideal mate.

The list of problems goes on. You might be intrigued to hear that while the problems seem innumerable, I propose they can all be rectified with the simplest of solutions. There's no danger involved, nobody has to lead radical changes, and it doesn't involve an "impossible" fight against biology.

I simply propose for men to stop asking women out.

Not for the rest of your life, but for just a short time, say, a month. It's not impossible, and you won't have to do it as much after the month passes. While there are a few (rare) exceptions, the vast majority of women don't ask out men 50% of the time. Women do have the advantage in dating, and it's time to level the playing field. Sure, talk with women as friends, and if someone initiates a conversation with you, then definitely reciprocate. However, let the woman ask you out if she's interested, no matter how attractive she is to you.

Some women have never asked anyone out in their lives. It's no wonder why these women continually treat men like they're lower beings. If they had to put up with the rejections that most men do all the time, I guarantee that they would have more respect for men. Women would no longer put up with moving from guy to guy based on who was interested in her at the moment. And spreading gossip about potential romantic interests certainly isn't going to help one's prospects.

People need to realize that humans, for all their ancestry, are not monkeys or horses or rabbits. They're humans, who can think and act for themselves.

Men have so much more capacity in the dating arena than constantly looking for sex at all costs, if they would only exercise it. It's time to stop being prisoners to so-called "biology." Women have the same urges men do, and they should do half the work, not 10% or 20%.

There are a lot of "seduction communities" on the Internet that teach men how to "seduce" women. I don't know of any similar organization that teaches women how to impress men with the same fervor.

There's my proposal. I don't think it's hard to implement. Imagine if all the men even at one corporation or university decided to ban together. Laziness won't be a problem, becausenobody even has to do anything. It's time to change our distorted culture. All I'm suggesting is to promote equality. Is that such a bad thing?

Steve Sokolowski is the editor of "Games are for Children" (, a blog that implores people to rise above the pettiness present in today's dating world. He can be reached at

First impression is the best impression..why so...???????

The first date is the most important, nerve wreaking event in the beginning of any relationship and it is also the "first impression" and the one thing in life that can never be changed!

OK, so you have talked for months on the computer and on the phone, you have talked about childhood to adulthood, good and bad, past relationships, family and everything else in between and you think you really know this person and like them enough to meet them in person. The anticipation builds, you talk and you plan, where to go, what to do, what to wear, so many preparations to make a great impression and hopefully start a relationship that will last a lifetime.

In making that first impression, insure that you have been honest with this person and they have been honest with you, dishonesty does not a good relationship make. Talk to your new friend and discuss what you would like to do, where you would like to go, keeping the others likes and dislikes in mind. From that point try the following tips to plan an outing that is sure to be a pleasant time for both of you.

1. Whatever your plans are, have a backup plan in case of cancellation, closing or the weather.

2. Be punctual, plan a specific time and meeting place

3. Discuss the attire for your outing, nothing worse than showing up in a casual attire when your date is dressed more formal.

4. The first date should be short and informal, about 2 hours. If after 10 minutes your are cringing in your seat and realize this is not the one, you can cut it short and move on, however if you like them and it is going well, you can always extend the date.

5. Do not discuss or bad mouth past partners, talk about your interests, your job, hobbies, etc.

6. Limit alcohol or plan a date where alcohol is not available.

7. Plan your outing at a public venue so as not to intimidate or create an uncomfortable atmoshere.

8. Thank your friend for a wonderful time (regardless) and DO NOT say "I'll give you a call" if you do not intend to do so. If the meeting did not produce what you expected, be honest and tell them. Do not give someone false hope of a second date.

Enter this meeting with the idea that you have a new friend, and plan and execute the time based on that premise, if romance does not bloom, you still have a friend that you enjoyed talking to. Be conscientious and thoughtful, someday you could be on the other side of that coin and surely you would appreciate honesty as well. Have fun, be open to any possibility and rejection, it is all part of the cycle of life, enjoy the ride.

Dove is a 47 year old advice columnist who writes for Cupids Blackbook. She lives in the American Midwest