Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Magic of flirting....Do you know it????

Flirting is the way most people determine whether or not a member of the opposite sex is interested in them. Following is a quick outline on how you should go about the complex, sometimes fun, sometimes not so fun, task of flirting. It all beings with your approach.

The Approach

One person approaches the other. They move into closer physical proximity. This much is clear: NO approach equals NO possibility of initiating contact. You must approach!

Example: A woman sits down next to a man in a coffee shop, or a man stands near a woman in a dance club. This is the first step. Once you approach, you begin looking for the signs.

The Signs

The person who has been approached will always signal the other's presence in some way?a sign. This signal is not like a train whistle, however, more a subtle body language which you can learn to recognize. For example, he or she simply may look up, move over to make room, nod slightly, or signal with a glancing eye contact.

A display of total obliviousness to the one who is approaching generally indicates lack of interest altogether. Don't be discouraged. But if the one you approached shows absolutely no interest, then it's time to re-group and try again. But let's say the approach works. You have your positive acknowledgement, now what? Time to talk

The Verbal Exchange

The two people may then engage in a mild verbal exchange about impersonal, unimportant matters such as the weather or the scene around them. The key word here is MILD.

This is the classic place for the clever "line," but cleverness is not required. At this point, a verbal exchange is not for the purpose of sharing valuable insights about life or determining philosophical compatibility. It is just a vehicle to further the developing contact.

Examples: Verbal overtures might include anything from "please pass the pickles" to "your looking great tonight", to "have you seen the waitress?". Without some form of verbal response, it is highly unlikely that the next step will occur. Let's say all is going as planned. Time for body language.

Body Language

Over a period of time, a couple that has begun to talk may also begin to orient themselves physically to one another, to turn toward one another until, if all is goes well, they are fully facing one another. This is your goal.

This step can take minutes or hours . . . or weeks or months . . . to achieve. Yet, without this physical reorientation toward one another, not very much can ever happen, so give up on people who turn their back toward you for long periods of time! But if they don't?


The woman or the man (most often the woman) touches the other in a light, fleeting way. Examples: A couple might accidentally brush their hands against one another while reaching for a drink, or the woman might pat the man on the arm in the middle of a shared joke. The exchange of very subtle, almost glancing touches may continue for some while, and if all goes well, can escalate into the casual affections shown by couples who are dating. If you've reached this point, then flirting has now become the beginning of a relationship. The Art of Flirting should always end with the beginning of a relationship. Now get out there and flirt.

The Art of Flirting is really the Art of making first contact. You only have one shot at making a great first impression. By following some of the guidelines we've established in this article, you should now be equipped to locate, approach, and ascertain whether or not your subtle flirting has opened the doors to a new and exciting relationship.

By: Andre Leblanc

Read more articles on relationship, sex and more at

You may use this article on your webpage only if you keep in 100% intact with are link or link directly to it.

Andre Leblanc has several years experience in the online dating and relationship field. Including implementation of new technology and creation of websites. Currently he is working on

Thursday, May 17, 2007

See more bad dating places !!!!!!

Food in teeth, nausea, childhood stories and exposing your pot belly are all things you ought to avoid on first or second dates. You run the risk of experiencing these and other humiliating incidents if you choose the wrong place to bring your date. Good places are memorable, different, unique, cost-effective, and relevant to both of you in some way. Bad date places have none of these qualities and the worst places not only lack these things, but also embarrass you and assure that you'll never get another date with the person again.

Let's look at the function of a date. If you're single, a date acts like an interview. Your goal is to get the other person to still like you enough when the date is over to go out with you again, assuming you're still interested as well. You're trying to appear cool, sexy, together, confident, and fun. You're also trying to make the other person as comfortable as possible.

That's why avoiding the worst places is the first step in smart dating. The following lists the worst places you could choose to go on a date and I recommend that you avoid them like the plague if you want the other person to still like you when it's over.

An Amusement Park

As the roller coaster nears its pinnacle your date looks over the side and silently swears under her breath at you for talking her into going on this ride. She hates roller coasters, has always been afraid of them, and is highly susceptible to motion sickness. As she contemplates her strategy to avoid you in the future, the coaster starts its stomach-turning decent, and she leans over and throws up in your lap, her way of saying "Thanks for the great date".

Amusement parks are a funky phenomenon. You'll often find overgrown stuffed animals running around trying to high-five you, screaming children, long lines, and overpriced food. Unless your date is an amusement park buff, it's unlikely he or she is going to love the idea.

*** The Beach ***

Don't get me wrong, the beach is a great place. But from the point of view of a date with a near stranger, it stinks. First, there's an awful lot of sand and it can get everywhere. You can't easily eat on the beach; a lack of furniture contributes to that. With sand and bugs-o-plenty, eating ends up being a drag.

But probably the worst thing about the beach is that you're compelled to take off most of your clothes. Now, if you both have hot bodies, well-groomed with flat stomachs and great muscle tone, then you have nothing to worry about. But if you don't, stay away from places that make you feel silly if you want to keep all your imperfection-hiding clothes on.

*** A Non-Traditional Restaurant ***

One time I took a date to a Japanese restaurant where they made everyone take off their shoes upon entering. There were no chairs, just floor-level tables that everyone sat around on little pillows. It didn't seem like it was going to be too bad until I started to smell my feet while eating our salads. The noxious odor must have been escaping from the various holes in my ratty socks. The whole night was humiliatingly awkward.

Other places to avoid are eateries where you're expected to use your hands to feed yourself. A first date doesn't want to watch you maul your barbeque ribs and chicken legs like The Missing Link. No one likes the thought of being touched later on by greasy fingers. And have you ever eaten corn on the cob and come away with clean teeth?

*** A Family Function ***

I don't know about your family, but a few of my great-aunts have hairy faces. I mean really hairy, with partial beards and hairy moles. One of my uncles thinks he's still living in 1880 and uses every racist expression ever known. So it goes without saying that I never brought dates to family functions. And you shouldn't either. Weddings, reunions, baptisms, bat mitzvahs, and especially funerals, are out.

There's no such thing as a family that isn't dysfunctional. It doesn't exist. If you bring a first or second date to a family function be prepared for somebody to embarrass you. Grandma will ask you two when you're getting married and when to expect great grandchildren. And your little cousin Eunice will promptly tell your date all about the time you farted in church.

*** Your Parent's House for Dinner ***

I can't think of a more uncomfortable setting than sitting at a dinner table with complete strangers in their own house. Don't put a date through this torture. You may have the hippest parents in the world. They may intelligent, hospitable and interesting. But don't subject anyone you just recently met to your parents for an entire dinner.

Often the parent of your same sex looks like you're going to look in twenty five years. You'll find your date sizing up your parent asking themselves whether they'll be ok with your pot belly and hairy ears a couple of decades from now.

Bringing your date to your parent's house is just asking for trouble. Your mom may temporarily forget that you're trying to make an impression and start talking to you like you're thirteen years old again, "Before you leave tonight my little muffin, can you take your hemorrhoid ointment out of our medicine cabinet, daddy keeps using it for lip cream by mistake."

Dates can be traumatic and nerve-racking in the best of places so don't make it harder on either of you than you have to. There are some great places to take a date that will make you look like a hero, won't cost you too much, will give you just enough time to talk to each other, but will also provide an entertaining distraction.

I'm talking about museums, jazz shows, rock concerts, musicals, art shows, plays and live comedy. These are all cool places to bring a first or second date. They allow you to talk and be entertained at the same time. These types of places make the date memorable, distinct and out of the ordinary. It shows you put more than just a little thought in the idea. And if you're trying to get someone to go out with you for the first time, find out what kind of bands, shows, comedians or plays they like, buy a couple of tickets, and casually invite them along with an explanation like your buddy just cancelled on you and you have a free ticket that you don't want to waste
see more articles at
See Jason OConnor's site to get great date ideas and buy tickets to Concerts, Theater, Shows, Events and Sports.

Monday, May 14, 2007

How internet dating become so popular now a days???????


Try to picture what used to happen earlier in the days when people had to depend on the good ol' postal system. During those days, a person had to wait for one or two days for a letter to get across to a person who lived in the same state itself. The second person in turn would take one or two days to respond and this letter would take on or two days to get back to the first person.

So in effect, a single correspondence would stretch over a week. But now it's a totally different story. The time taken for the first letter and the response has been brought to an amazing 2 minutes! Waiting may make the heart grow fonder but e-mail makes two people get close faster!


The Internet provides for absolute privacy too. One can carry out communication with another person in the absolute privacy of one's bedroom or bath room or wherever one chooses to be. There is no fear of eavesdropping (ugh) or over hearing (shudder!) thanks to e-mail and chat facilities.

Options and Opportunities

The Internet provides for other options like voice chat or video conferencing and stops short only of the physical touch. But then who would want to start a relationship by touching right away? You can see a person, talk to a person, and listen to the person's voice, can you think of a better way to start a date?


All this and more is possible thanks to the internet and the best part is that all this comes to you for peanuts. All you need is a P.C (who doesn't have one?) and an Internet Connection (how can anybody live without one) and you are all set. The only thing more you could ask for is a step by step guide to find your dream date?well here it is!

Are you lonely? Are you looking for someone special? Visit Online Dating and find date, romance, marriage, and fun. Millions of singles are waiting for you.

more details are available at

How To Approach Women in safe and in good manner????

Now, let's start at the very beginning, what's the first thing you have to do before starting a conversation with a girl? Yeah, right, approach her! That's the first step you have to take - how to approach woman. Succeed in this direction and you can move on to the conversation part or else, kiss your chances with this particular girl good bye.

So, how do you approach a girl? Is it easier if she is alone as compared to being with a group of friends? What about you? Prefer to have your friends around too (to sort of act as a booster to your bravado) when you approach her or you operate better solo? Or probably you would prefer to have a wing man.

If having a wing man is your choice then by all means please choose a wing man who has had some measure of success with girls. Don't get an inexperience one as you are bound to mess things up big time or worse, he'll probably mess it up for you!

Having a wing man is not without its advantage especially if you are new to this ball game. Your wing man can show you the ropes and help you out if you are stuck in the rut. On the hind sight, just make sure he is not interested in the same girl as you are. Both of you have to be very clear of your objectives from the start. You can't be both hitting at the same girl!

Before we proceed, it is good to take note of your dressing. Do ensure that you are always neatly dressed. You need not be garbed in designer labels but rule of the thumb is to look neat and pleasant. Check out the scenarios below:

Scenario 1
A lady is sitting in a cozy eatery reading a book while waiting for her dinner to be served. There's something about her that catches your eye and you walked up to her and said hello. When she looked up, she saw a smiling, neat and casually dressed gentleman.

Scenario 2
A lady is sitting in a cozy eatery reading a book while waiting for her dinner to be served. There's something about her that catches your eye and you walked up to her and said hello. When she looked up, she saw a smiling, unkempt guy with five o'clock shadow stubble on your chin and shirt that looked like he had slept in it.

In scenario 1, lady would most probably return the guy's greeting with a smile but she would definitely be on guard and feel defensive in scenario

2. These are simple scenarios that show the impact of your appearance in forming first impression of you.

Enough about appearance, what about the attitude that you should project when you approach a girl? Smile and look friendly, don't look like your pet just got run over by the garbage truck or worse, look like a stalker!

Visit Online Dating Trainer for tips on building self confidence, dating tips on how to talk to women and online dating guide.

Why She rejected you and wat you can do as a remedy????

Why some women not attracted to some men..some may be due tothe reason as follows
one who have lower STATUS than themselves. There is always tension when a lady is taller than her man, she makes more money than him or when a guy is being 'led around' by his girlfriend or wife..

1. You ask the lady where she would like to go. If she seems indifferent, then make a decision: call her and take to a place YOU know and think she would like.If you don't, she won't see you as a leader.

2. If you dating this lady who seems cute and beautifull, and likewise great company and seems successful too, you think you like her A LOT. You ask her out a second time and she agrees.


1 tell her that you are beginning to have the feelings towards her

2. remember do not call her the next day to ask her out again. You have to: give her a little space - let her 'miss' you just a bit.Let her pursue you.

3. You meet this nice girl and get her phone number and email address. You set a date and what? - she doesn't turn up. she was 'busy'sometime.when you Call her tomorrow and she is still 'busy'. What happened? This 'girl' probably committed herself and later changed her mind... What to do? Give her a few days and then call again- confront her with her poor behaviour.

If there is no change, move on.and move will succeed


When you ask a lady what she 'wants to do', you put her in control. Most women DO NOT LIKE THIS. It makes them well uncomfortable.

* If you can't make up your mind about where to take her, and then wind up taking her to her favourite cafe, you have failed.Why? You have shown that you CAN'T LEAD.
*Remember to always treat your girlfriend / date well.
So - what kind of men are women attracted to?
~Men who LEAD. Men who are in control of themselves and situations.
~Men who MAKE DECISIONS and stand by them. (This is why you can
ask a girl what she wants and take her to her favourite cafe / club
tell her how you feel about her and watch as she loses interest in you.)
~Men who treat them well but don't allow the woman to control them.
~Men who show respect for women enough to take no for an answer.
~Men who look after their personal hygiene and grooming
~ Men who show interest in the lady - as a person not as a sex object.
The list goes on.


Attraction is not like other areas of life.It just happens. Guys, being too 'nice' won't earn you any more points. Attraction seems to be triggered by things that make no sense at all and can be easily destroyed. ver to you...

AUTHOR: Award winning Beauty Specialist / Make up Artist Lucy Nadia Muyemba is an online enterperneur with 2+ experience as a match maker. Subscribe to receive her free Steps to Success newsletter. send a blank email to: Or visit for 1000s of thought provoking Dating, Beauty and Self development tips.

Safe online dating : 7 ways to safety

Dating online can be great fun, stimulating and exciting. So let's first get it into perspective. Some of us just like to have fun but are sick of the singles bars and other similar nite spots that are the last resort for finding a decent partner or lover. They often result in the wrong person even if you are lucky enough to meet someone. Or, you may have once upon a time met someone that 'fitted the bill' but over time this has proved not to be the case any longer, so.......long story short, you are now once again looking for a better fit. You might be just plain lonely or recently dumped by that someone who promised to be there forever. If you're senior in years, you may just be seeking a companion or someone who has similar interests. These days, it's quite likely that you are someone who's busy most of the time and don't have the time to go galavanting around the place looking for a date and attending dinner parties with the hope that your friends have selected a decent blind date on your behalf.

Whatever your reason, online dating can definitely help make it happen much sooner than many of the other tedious activities which most of us have experienced at some stage. Of course, you are also able to do this late at night (24/7) in your 'jim jams' when you have the time or better still, the inclination.

If you've found what you believe to be a quality site, and it has a large enough data base to support your searches, then you're half way there. While I'm on it, you would be best to register with 2 or 3 dating sites so that you can spread you options that much further.

This brings us to an extremely important consideration and the most imperative part of the process - Your Safety!

I won't pretend to have all the answers, but as much as Internet dating sites have proven time after time that they 'deliver the goods', someone nasty or let me say unscrupulous turns up. These loathsome characters can be easily avoided simply by following these rules and proceeding with caution. Follow these guidelines and you will enjoy what could be the beginning of a wonderful relationship(s) without taking any risks.

If you're smart, these point will become your checklist and eventually a habit.

- Remain anonymous - do not reveal your real identity, email address, home address, telephone numbers, your birthday or indeed, your place of work during your early days of communication

- Don't be dissuaded from the above point

- If you are operating from home check your ISP server to ensure your profile is not revealing more than you'd like.

- Use alternative email services for dating(I have listed FREE services at the bottom of this page).

- Take your time in your first telephone discussions - ask questions (nicely) remembering that they are probably in the same position as you.

- When you do decide to meet for the first time, make sure it's in a public place ie. Coffee shop etc. Do not meet at each others home or anywhere secluded or remote. Take a mobile with you and more importantly, tell a friend or relation where you are going. - Some people even have a friend turn up and sit at another table for comfort - without anyone else knowing of course.

- Here's the last point - stick to all the above points no matter what!

Here are some sites for free email services to help you remain anonymous;

On-line dating while following these rules and can lead you to great friendships, lovers and often marriage.


Publisher & Author: Roy Barker. Roys expertise comes from a lengthy career in the counselling, human resources and corporate arena. Roy has a dating site review service at

Here is the final solution for dating...!!!

I run a blog where I discuss the topic of the many games people play in the dating arena. I've posted hundreds of articles, many of which point out many of these troubles. Even if you haven't read the blog, you probably are aware of some of these schemes. While I wish it were easy to sum everything up into one neat, overlying problem, it's not that simple. Let me point out just a few of the issues.

For one, there's a definite lack of respect in dating nowadays. People don't even care about their partners enough to treat them as they deserve to be treated. Gossip, ridiculously high expectations, and rejections by ignorance are only some of the examples in this area. Grandparents are always carrying on about how today's generation has such a lack of respect. They talk about how, in their day, people cared about others and banded together through difficult problems. Why do they talk about these things? Because they're right! Through every activity in which I've been involved, I've encountered this problem. I'm tired of working for a hundred hours on a video project when the president of the organization receives but doesn't bother to even reply to your E-Mails asking him to review it. I'm sick of being ostracized from groups because I don't care to participate in their petty disagreements. And I'm exhausted after people expect me to work to death in volunteer organizations!

There are always exceptions to this rule, and I'm sure that there are many people who do have a great deal of respect for both their peers and their elders. Unfortunately, the majority, or at least the majority with the most influence, simply don't care.

Second, nobody is honest with themselves, let alone anyone else. Dating has turned into a torrent of backstabbing of which even Mark Burnett would be proud. Asking someone out is nearly impossible, because the gossip about it has already spread to a thousand people before you make the move. Then, when a rejection occurs (even if it's not rude), the rejector spreads rumors around to all his/her friends that cause them to completely ignore you, refusing to invite you to parties or even to initiate conversations with you. The biggest insult is that even if you asked point-blank, you'd still never get a truthful answer as to why such harm was directed towards you.

As if what occurs after a rejection isn't enough, people attempt to steal others' girl/boyfriends. One day, things are going well, and the next you find yourself wondering what happened to the relationship that was forming - that is, until you notice that person spending a lot of time with who you thought was your best friend. No explanation is offered, not even a "good-bye."

Third, people are not looking for someone who spends his or her time working to get ahead instead of getting flat-out drunk, who doesn't curse at or ignore his or her mate, and who actually makes time for whatever is occurring between them (whether it be a full-fledged relationship or just plain sex). They say they're looking for these things, but in reality, they're attracted to people with the attributes described above. "Confidence" is not the answer to the equation. Assuming they both possess the same level of "confidence," the above-described person would win every time over the "warm, caring, and intelligent" (wo)man that people claim is the ideal mate.

The list of problems goes on. You might be intrigued to hear that while the problems seem innumerable, I propose they can all be rectified with the simplest of solutions. There's no danger involved, nobody has to lead radical changes, and it doesn't involve an "impossible" fight against biology.

I simply propose for men to stop asking women out.

Not for the rest of your life, but for just a short time, say, a month. It's not impossible, and you won't have to do it as much after the month passes. While there are a few (rare) exceptions, the vast majority of women don't ask out men 50% of the time. Women do have the advantage in dating, and it's time to level the playing field. Sure, talk with women as friends, and if someone initiates a conversation with you, then definitely reciprocate. However, let the woman ask you out if she's interested, no matter how attractive she is to you.

Some women have never asked anyone out in their lives. It's no wonder why these women continually treat men like they're lower beings. If they had to put up with the rejections that most men do all the time, I guarantee that they would have more respect for men. Women would no longer put up with moving from guy to guy based on who was interested in her at the moment. And spreading gossip about potential romantic interests certainly isn't going to help one's prospects.

People need to realize that humans, for all their ancestry, are not monkeys or horses or rabbits. They're humans, who can think and act for themselves.

Men have so much more capacity in the dating arena than constantly looking for sex at all costs, if they would only exercise it. It's time to stop being prisoners to so-called "biology." Women have the same urges men do, and they should do half the work, not 10% or 20%.

There are a lot of "seduction communities" on the Internet that teach men how to "seduce" women. I don't know of any similar organization that teaches women how to impress men with the same fervor.

There's my proposal. I don't think it's hard to implement. Imagine if all the men even at one corporation or university decided to ban together. Laziness won't be a problem, becausenobody even has to do anything. It's time to change our distorted culture. All I'm suggesting is to promote equality. Is that such a bad thing?

Steve Sokolowski is the editor of "Games are for Children" (, a blog that implores people to rise above the pettiness present in today's dating world. He can be reached at

First impression is the best impression..why so...???????

The first date is the most important, nerve wreaking event in the beginning of any relationship and it is also the "first impression" and the one thing in life that can never be changed!

OK, so you have talked for months on the computer and on the phone, you have talked about childhood to adulthood, good and bad, past relationships, family and everything else in between and you think you really know this person and like them enough to meet them in person. The anticipation builds, you talk and you plan, where to go, what to do, what to wear, so many preparations to make a great impression and hopefully start a relationship that will last a lifetime.

In making that first impression, insure that you have been honest with this person and they have been honest with you, dishonesty does not a good relationship make. Talk to your new friend and discuss what you would like to do, where you would like to go, keeping the others likes and dislikes in mind. From that point try the following tips to plan an outing that is sure to be a pleasant time for both of you.

1. Whatever your plans are, have a backup plan in case of cancellation, closing or the weather.

2. Be punctual, plan a specific time and meeting place

3. Discuss the attire for your outing, nothing worse than showing up in a casual attire when your date is dressed more formal.

4. The first date should be short and informal, about 2 hours. If after 10 minutes your are cringing in your seat and realize this is not the one, you can cut it short and move on, however if you like them and it is going well, you can always extend the date.

5. Do not discuss or bad mouth past partners, talk about your interests, your job, hobbies, etc.

6. Limit alcohol or plan a date where alcohol is not available.

7. Plan your outing at a public venue so as not to intimidate or create an uncomfortable atmoshere.

8. Thank your friend for a wonderful time (regardless) and DO NOT say "I'll give you a call" if you do not intend to do so. If the meeting did not produce what you expected, be honest and tell them. Do not give someone false hope of a second date.

Enter this meeting with the idea that you have a new friend, and plan and execute the time based on that premise, if romance does not bloom, you still have a friend that you enjoyed talking to. Be conscientious and thoughtful, someday you could be on the other side of that coin and surely you would appreciate honesty as well. Have fun, be open to any possibility and rejection, it is all part of the cycle of life, enjoy the ride.

Dove is a 47 year old advice columnist who writes for Cupids Blackbook. She lives in the American Midwest

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Does FIRST IMPRESSION matters???? Really !!!

Ever had a love at first sight encounter? Totally captured by her beauty the first time you laid your eyes on her? Having sleepless nights thinking about her? That first impression she left with you was sure astonishing wasn't it?

The first impression you give plays a very important part in the blooming of a love relationship. It determines the ever possibility of a development of the relationship. Would you fall in love with someone whom you don't have any good impression at all? The chances are, if you have a bad impression of someone, it's very likely that the more you see him the more you will dislike him. It's very hard to change one's thinking once it is set in his mind. It will need a lot of time and regular communication between both to break down that wall. So even if you can't impress that special someone the very first time, make sure you will not displease him or her. You can still work on your chances at a later time.

How can you impress someone? Well, you may be the kindest soul, so helpful; caring, fun loving and easy going whom all your friends enjoy your presence. But does that someone know? No, if there are no chances of both of you going out together, going out on a date, there's no way he or she will ever get to know you more. You have got to make that someone notice you, make your presence be known. You got to first impress him or her!

Very naturally, humans tend to make judgment of another just by their very first acquaintance with the person. Decisions were made almost at that very moment of your job interview? Your physical appearance, the way you talk, all your little behaviors you show, will decide what kind of a person you are to them and this impression is going to be set in their mind unless some thing or someone changes it.

So what can you do? What should you take note of? First of all, your appearance of course. Your physical appearance is the very the first thing that catches a person's eyes. Put on your very best look! But do however dress appropriately. If you are going for a ball, you will not go in your jeans and tee and if you are going for a barbeque, for heaven's sake, please don't go in your tuxedo or suits. Other than your physical appearance, you have to also be careful with all your little actions, the way you speak, the way you eat, the way you look at others?

Look for chance to strike a conversation with that someone. If not a personal one, a little group conversation will be good. Try to participate in the conversation, getting his or her attention. Look into the eyes, drop him or her a nice warm smile. Let that someone know that his or her presence is felt, being felt by you. A smile with the right eye contact at the right timing can sometimes works wonder than to words. But please, keep the conversations entertaining. If you are bad with jokes, don't try it! Don't risk making yourself a clown.

For guys, show your gentlemanliness, hold the door for her, offer seat to her; offer her a ride home? But remember, be natural, take things slowly, don't overdo it and scare her off the very first time.

For girls? Well, you always got a little more privilege. Just be sure not to make yourself look unfriendly, Smile? Look him in the eyes and drop him a nice little sweet smile of yours. Do you know that your smile is enough to melt a man's heart?

Well all these little things count, your little efforts will pay off? Nonetheless, it's always good to leave people with a good impression of yourself rather than a bad one, isn't it?


Rare dating Tips,Secrets and mistakes revealed !!!

I hear it over and over-"It was going so great, and then she disappeared on me? why? What happened-we were having such a great time together. I'm tired of this happening-I want to date sexy women, but I want them to stick around. Do you have any dating tips for me?"

Yes, I do. Every time I talk to a guy who tells me this, I discover he's making the exact same mistakes most guys do, dating mistakes that kill his chances of successfully dating sexy women. So, I give him some dating tips to skyrocket his success with sexy women. Here are the most common ones:

Dating tip #1: Don't date. Yes, that's right-don't date. Think about a traditional "date"-it's full of pressure, awkwardness, evaluation and it just plain sucks. What do you do on a "traditional date?" Dinner, movie, kiss goodnight, she doesn't return your calls. Or you have drinks, and try to "make your move," and we all know where that ends up. Much better (and cheaper) to meet for coffee-it's fun and relaxed with none of the normal dating expectations.

Dating tip #2: The less you do and say, the more she's attracted to you. Most guys try to impress sexy women, or "lay a rap" on them. Sexy women have heard it all before. But, if you ask her about herself, shut up and listen, and display a SMALL degree of interest, she'll begin to wonder why you're not slobbering all over her. She'll want to discover more? now you're a challenge, and sexy women love challenging guys. Why? Because they rarely meet one. This is a HUGE dating tip.

Dating tip #3 Be a "naughty little boy." Another big dating tip. Remember the "class clown" in elementary school-the guy who was "cool and funny" all at the same time? When you're talking to sexy women, make unexpected and mischievous comments, the kind that leave them thinking, "I can't believe he just said that? but I like it." This shows sexy women you're NOT impressed by their looks, that you need to see more. This is so different from what they're used to they can't help but be attracted. I cannot emphasize the importance of this dating tip.

Dating tip #4 Avoid all canned pick up lines, "laying a rap," or any type of "acting." Sexy women have heard it all before, and as soon as you spout one, you're instantly a JAG (just another guy). And JAG's don't get sexy women-remember this dating tip!

Dating tip #5 Sexy women are approached and hit on 20 to 30 times a day. This is their world-to get into it, you have to be different from the 20 guys who've already talked to her. (see Dating tip #3 for how to be different to sexy women).

Dating tip #6 Look out for her tests. Sexy women (indeed, all women) will test you to see if you'll stand up to them. If you can't stand up to her, you can't stand up for her. If she asks you to buy her things, that's a test-and a perfect opportunity to be a "naughty little boy" (see Dating tip #3). Say something like, "What do I look like an ATM machine? You should buy ME something, just for the privilege of spending time with me. I like sexy women who buy me things!" This is said in a playful-yet firm-manner that lets her know you're onto her. When you pass their tests, it drives sexy women wild with desire. Very important dating tip.

Dating tip #7 Date multiple sexy women at once, and make sure the others know about it. Sexy women love a man who is attractive to other sexy women, and will compete to "win you." (Here's another dating tip: for proof of this, read any good romance novel). If you want to settle down, you can choose one, but she will always know you're desired by other sexy women-and in a strange way, this creates even more attraction for you. This dating tip really is a secret, but it works very well with sexy women.

OK, guys, that's it for this article. Obviously there are lots of other dating tips, tricks and secrets to put to use, but if you pay attention to these dating tips, you'll be a heckuva lot more successful with sexy women. Now, go re-read all the dating tips!

On with the fun?
-John Alanis, Dating Tips Master
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"

Want more dating tips? To discover how to be successful with sexy women, and for more great dating tips, see

Writing a personal advertisement online...what should be the effect???

Where are all the good men/women? You go to parties, sign up for various activities and ask friends and family if they know anyone they can introduce you to. Yet, your dating life has been more than a little disappointing. What is a guy/girl supposed to do to find quality people?

Begin by continuing to do what you have been doing. These are all good ways to meet people. However, you may need to expand your search to the world of online dating. This would allow you to expand your search and come into contact with interested and available singles you would never meet in the existing circles in which you now move.

Perhaps you are thinking, "I have already tried this with little or mixed success." Maybe this too has become a source of disappointment and frustration and even despair. If so, you could be going about it the wrong way, or be in need of some information to put you on a track to better success. The first important step is writing your personal ad and choosing a good site to place it on.

The following are tips to help you write for success.

* Be Yourself

The goal of your ad is to attract the kind of person who would be compatible with you. You are looking for someone who shares your goals, values, sense of humor, lifestyle and perhaps religion or other specific criteria. If you put in information that is not true to who you are, you could send potentially good dates on to the next ad. You may also attract the kind of person you are not interested in.

* Be Sincere

Nothing is more attractive than sincerity. Think about it. Isn't this a turn-on for you? If you are funny, be funny. If you are serious, be that. Use honesty in describing your traits and desires in a potential mate. If there is something that is a must-have for you in any future relationship, highlight it. Remember that when and if you move to the next step, the other person will experience you as you really are, regardless of what the picture you drew for them in your ad looked like.

* Write Like You Talk

This goes right along with being you. Don't make your ad seem too contrived or rehearsed. You will loose that feeling of sincerity. Write a few drafts and just let the thoughts flow. Then go back and edit it. Make sure you spell check and check again. There is no bigger turn-off than someone who appears to have poor grammar or spelling.

* Be Specific, But Leave Out Hang-Ups and Other Negatives

This is a first step. You want to put your true best forward. The picture you paint should be upbeat and positive. Everyone has a past. It's not wise too tell too much too soon. If you feel something is important, than put it in. A good example is "single mom", "divorced father of two", etc. Leave out the part about looking for someone to help me heal from a painful divorce. Do not mention past relationships except to inform that you had one.

* Highlight Your Uniqueness

There are things about us all that make us uniquely who we are. Let your ad portray this. If you have a special talent, interesting career or pastime, let people know about it. If it's important to you, it tells others much. If someone out there shares it, they will be drawn to what you have written.

Find a unique way to highlight yourself. If you look like someone well known, put that in. Just remember, if you look like Woody Allen, don't portray yourself as a Robert Redford type.

* Avoid classic turn-offs

If you place a heavy emphasis on finding someone who is "beautiful" or "wealthy", you will turn off many people- often the very people who hope to attract. No one wants to be wanted for his or her looks or bank account. It also says something about you. How about superficial?

* Use a Picture

This is very important. Ads that don't have one get far fewer responses. Many singles are having a professional picture made of them. You want to look like your BEST self. A professional can usually do a much better job at a very reasonable cost if you shop around a bit.

* Post Your Ad On The Right Site

There are so many choices out there. Look for one that has a large membership of people who appear to be compatible with you. Make sure they have an enforced safety and privacy policy. There are specialty sites for people who seek a partner with a very particular passion or lifestyle. These include but are not limited to: animal lovers, vegetarians, advanced degreed professionals, and sites for people seeking those of the same faith.

If your requirements include someone within a close geographical distance, look for the sites that offer you a good selection.

Once you have given it careful thought and a little research and energy, write and post your ad for success.

Remember, we attract what we are, not what we want.

Toni Coleman, MSW is a licensed psychotherapist and relationship coach with over 20 years of experience. As a recognized expert, Toni has been quoted in many local and national publications including: The Chicago Tribune and The Orlando Sentinel newspapers and Family Circle, Woman's Day, and Star magazines. She has been featured on ABC News; Discovery Health Channel and AOL Online. As a weekly contributing commentator on the KTRS Radio Morning Show, (St. Louis, MO), Toni offers dating tips and relationship advice in response to listener feedback. Toni founded in 2002 to offer singles the knowledge and tools they need to find and sustain healthy, lasting love relationships. She is a member of The International Coach Federation, and The International Association Of Coaches.

Avoid whome????? The grand manipulators should be avided...ok???

Let's face it...some women can be ruthless. There are certain women in the world men simply DO NOT want to get mixed up with. I call these women "grand manipulators" because they will use every trick they can think of to get you to do what they want, when they want, and how they want.

I once knew a woman who was the epitome of manipulation. Her view of men was that they were a necessary evil to get the things out of life she wanted. She would use them, abuse them, and then kick them to the curb once they had served their purpose.

In the beginning of the relationship she always seemed to be a sweet, caring, nurturing woman to the men she chose as her prey. Once she'd gotten what she wanted from them she'd turn into a screaming witch of a woman in order to drive the man away from her.

For instance, she once decided she needed a new car but was unwilling to foot the bill to pay for it herself. Not that she couldn't afford it, because she could. She had a job and earned a very good salary...good enough that she could afford to put 40% of each paycheck into her retirement savings. But to her it was unthinkable to temporarily lower the percentage she put away in order to pay for a car herself.

She found a vulnerable man as her prey. It was truly amazing how she lured this man into her life and her bed. She put on her best act for him. She was all sweetness, smiles, and honey. Once she had him "hooked", so to speak, she began to play on his sympathies by complaining often about her old worn-out car and how she just "couldn't afford to replace it because there's no room in my budget for an expense like that".

She played the game well and knew just which buttons to push and when with this man. Eventually, after promising to marry him, the poor bloke bought her a car and put it in her name. Bingo! She got what she had wanted all along and a mere ten days later she suddenly broke it off with him, leaving him baffled as to what he'd done wrong.

Watch out for the woman who continues to complain about her situation and begins asking you for help in some way. Feel free to offer suggestions or solutions to her problems if you wish. Just be very careful not to be too helpful.

It's a man's natural instinct to jump in and be the "hero". But don't offer to help her too quickly because you may become the unwary victim of another "grand manipulator" yourself.

Copyright 2005 Deborah Willis All Rights Reserved

Deborah Willis is the author of ATTRACT WOMEN -- The Average Man's Guide To Attracting, Dating, Loving, and Maintaining Relationships with Women.

What is it that makes you attracted to someone?

What is it that makes you attracted to someone? The look? The character? The way he or she makes you laugh? Well, that's a few possibilities. Now let me ask you another question. What is it that you feel that makes a couple go on a date together, dates after dates? Think about it. Remember they have a choice of saying no to a date. Very simple, there's something of similar liking between the both of them, something which both enjoy doing together, over and over again.

Ask yourself this question, would you go on a date with someone whom doesn't enjoy dining, watching movies, coffee at café? not a thing at all of what you enjoy doing? For a couples to remain together, there has got to be something similar between both. Similar liking, interest, characteristic? The more the similarities there is between the both of you, the better the chances of a development of a further relationship there will be.

What are the similarities between both that you can work on? First of all, the physical appearance of course. Your physical appearance is the very first thing that catches a person's eyes, the eyes of that special someone. Take note of the type of dressing style he or she likes? How is he or she normally dressed? A trendy and hip? Casual and sporty? Smart casual? Try to dress so, dress in the style he or she would like. Think about it, if you were someone who is very concern with the neatness and cleanliness of your physical appearance, would you like someone who is always so shabbily dressed? Naturally, a person would tend to enjoy the company of another who generally dresses similar to that of him or herself. Don't you find it so within your usual group of click?

Next would be the hobbies and interest. What sports does he or she like? Does she play the piano? What type of movies does he or she enjoy watching? Does she love animals, dogs? Does he love fishing? What flowers does she like? Hmm? knowing his or her habits will be good too. Where does he or she normally hang out? Does she hate crowded places? How many cubes of sugar she like for her coffee? Does he hate shopping? Well in simple, find out anything possible under the sun about him or her. Not a clue where to start? Friends would be a good source to start with.

Ok guys, now that you know what she likes, it's time to plan for a little nice and enjoyable date with her. It's afterall still a guy's job to ask the girl out, right? Notice I used the word "enjoyable" instead of a nice and "romantic" date? Well, a date involves two persons. To allow the chance for a further development of a relationship, the chance for a next date, you have got to make her enjoy the date, enjoy the time spent with you.

Take her to places that she likes, serve her food that she enjoys eating. "Oh medium cooked for the lady please?" Present her with flowers that she likes. She will be so surprised and impressed by you. "Oh Rick, how do you know that I love Pink Tulips? It's so sweet of you?" Plan activities that she has always enjoyed. Watching a movie that she likes at her favorite cinema? Bringing her to her favorite musical, "Phantom of The Opera"?

Ha as usual, me and my ideas again? Well, I know you can definitely plan for yourself a more perfect enjoyable date. In simple, create a familiar environment for her, a date that she will feel comfortable. Naturally, she will enjoy herself, enjoy going out with you, having your company, developing a further liking for you.


Is Somebody Interested In You? Wish to know???

How can you tell if a somebody is interested in you?

I am asking you this because if you wish to any control of your dating life, your personal life, and even your business life. You should know how to read people.

I've read plenty of articles and worked with plenty of students. They have come up with things such as she is touching her hair. She smiles and her eyes just seem to set on you if we are talking about dating.

The biggest problem with the above question is that you are looking for something to justify you. The greatest strength comes from within. When you learn to believe in yourself in a truly deep level you won't care who is interested in you. Your thoughts and beliefs will be so powerful that about 90% of the population will be interested in you just because your thoughts are so powerful.

Thoughts of "Is he/she interested in me? "

Are thoughts of doubt, fear and a lack of self confidence. Well if you think these thoughts the person you are interested in will begin to also think thoughts of Doubt, fear and have a lack of self confidence.

Who wants to feel those feelings?

Yet think about this for a few minutes.

When was the last time you were around somebody who is really, confident, powerful, believed in themselves, comfortable in life , fun, and playful. Noticed how you feel around this person.

If their feelings are stronger than yours, you tend to feel confident, powerful, believe in yourself, your comfortable in life, find things fun and playful. Not a bad way to feel huh?

Now think about a time you were around somebody who was really depressed. They think the world is against them, a lot of things are on their mind, they never have any fun and just hate life.

Noticed how you feel when you are around somebody like that? Their negative state can actually pull you down.

Knowing this which type of person would you rather be around?

Now also thinking about the above two types of people? Who do you think you best represent?

Are you fun, playful, have a zest for life, confident, powerful and believe in yourself?

Or are you somebody who is negative, really depressed? Thinks the world is against them.

You can control your emotions with a little bit of work.

Now say you are on a date. If you are feeling unsure of yourself, and you have lots of doubt. Guess what your date picks up about your emotions. The majority of times he/she will not want to go out with you again.

Now if you were on that same date and felt confident, believed in yourself, and were having fun. How do you think your date would feel about you?

Learn to generate the positive feelings first, instead of worrying what somebody else is feeling.

You can look at somebody and find 10 reasons with their body language that say they like you in just a few minutes or you can look at somebody and find 10 reasons to see that they do not like you.

All you have to do is notice one or 2 reasons for a person to like you and believe in them. If you can believe in these reasons your spirits will pick up and soon more and more signals will be generated about somebody liking you.

Guess what though? Who is truly generating those feeling? You or the person you are with?

A persons actions will happen based on how they imterpret the situation.

This is a big piece of the puzzle we teach at Fidentia. Learn to interpret everything that happens as something that will benefit you. Believe in yourself and others will too.

Robert Torrey is one of the instructors for Fidentia. A company that teaches dating confidence to others. Go to for more info and to subscribe to their free newsletter.

The magic of filtering..get amaze on it!!!

Flirting is the way most people determine whether or not a member of the opposite sex is interested in them. Following is a quick outline on how you should go about the complex, sometimes fun, sometimes not so fun, task of flirting. It all beings with your approach.

The Approach

One person approaches the other. They move into closer physical proximity. This much is clear: NO approach equals NO possibility of initiating contact. You must approach!

Example: A woman sits down next to a man in a coffee shop, or a man stands near a woman in a dance club. This is the first step. Once you approach, you begin looking for the signs.

The Signs

The person who has been approached will always signal the other's presence in some way?a sign. This signal is not like a train whistle, however, more a subtle body language which you can learn to recognize. For example, he or she simply may look up, move over to make room, nod slightly, or signal with a glancing eye contact.

A display of total obliviousness to the one who is approaching generally indicates lack of interest altogether. Don't be discouraged. But if the one you approached shows absolutely no interest, then it's time to re-group and try again. But let's say the approach works. You have your positive acknowledgement, now what? Time to talk

The Verbal Exchange

The two people may then engage in a mild verbal exchange about impersonal, unimportant matters such as the weather or the scene around them. The key word here is MILD.

This is the classic place for the clever "line," but cleverness is not required. At this point, a verbal exchange is not for the purpose of sharing valuable insights about life or determining philosophical compatibility. It is just a vehicle to further the developing contact.

Examples: Verbal overtures might include anything from "please pass the pickles" to "your looking great tonight", to "have you seen the waitress?". Without some form of verbal response, it is highly unlikely that the next step will occur. Let's say all is going as planned. Time for body language.

Body Language

Over a period of time, a couple that has begun to talk may also begin to orient themselves physically to one another, to turn toward one another until, if all is goes well, they are fully facing one another. This is your goal.

By: Andre Leblanc

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Read more article on dating at

Dating sites :wat you want to know ?

Have you seen a dating site? Would you want to see one? How many people have met their loved-ones through chatrooms and online dating? Introducing DATING SITES. The known region and favorite stops of internet junkies and online love adventure-seekers of the present generation for they have the latest features for meeting people worldwide. The sites are unimaginably packed with dating services that will surely tickle the fancy of single (and non-single) men and women in the universe. See for yourself.

With dating sites sprouting like mushrooms everywhere, it's difficult which site to drop in. Many offer the same quality of services, that if you don't navigate the internet frequently, you can get lost. Just judge them with the number of guests they receive daily or personal profiles available online. Most likely, the most popular site would be IT. It's important to find the dating site that will work for you if you want to try it yourself and you're a first-timer.

Not all dating sites are safe. Some people visit these sites with bad intentions. The web is a vast space for people to do anything they want. So it's best for you to keep your guard all the time. And remember, love comes when you least expect it. So if you can, don't look for it. Think rule # 2.

YC Ng makes it easy to start online dating successfully. Learn the 6 steps to finding a meaningful relationship online. To receive your free course visit online dating tips website.

Surprise your love !!!

Has dating unknowingly become just a habit to you? Becoming not as fun and exciting as before, as when the both of you just started going out together? Well, I am not suggesting that there's any problem in your relationship. In fact this is something very common. Along time, as a couple get to know and understand each other better, they naturally enter into a comfort zone with one another. It's within this comfort zone that they begin to share with one another more of their own personal life, building a mutual trust and a stronger bond in the relationship. However, it's also at this time when all the surprises and excitements somehow get lesser and lesser during their dates. Both have got so comfortable with one another that there's basically not the need for them to impress one another as during their initial dates anymore. Sadly, dating has become more of like a routine and habit to them.
Using a little imagination; planning little surprises for your love would definitely spice up your love life, going a long way in maintaining the flames of love. I am sure you want an interesting love life, always making your love happy? Remember, when your love is happy, happy you will be.

Hmm? Perhaps a monthly anniversary celebration for a start? A day in each month which both could look forward to an exciting and romantic night together? Oh isn't that lovely? Think about it?

Rick Valens
Staff Writer
Love Relationship Discussion Forum

Dating Zone: Why should you marry a Russian women:::Three Reasons

Dating Zone: Why should you marry a Russian women:::Three Reasons

Dating Zone: Internet Dating - Its Not For Geeks

Dating Zone: Internet Dating - Its Not For Geeks

Why should you marry a Russian women:::Three Reasons

you know everything about Russian women that could help you get the 'perfect' wife?

Are you sure a Russian woman is the most important thing possible in your life?

TOP 3 reasons why you should marry a Russian woman and have a happy marriage with her.

Reason 1

Russian women are known for their ultimate beauty. Most men think that Russian women are far more beautiful than western females. The fact is that Russian women really love to take care of their body,its quite interesting fact.

Russian women love dressing feminine and stylish .They want to feel happy with themselves and want to be attractive to the opposite sex is the main reason.

Those who like ,who is slim, toned and well groomed, a Russian woman might be perfect for you.

Reason 2

Russian women are highly educated and intelligent.

Most online ads related to Russian women contain college or university degrees mentions.most Russian women really value family and want to have kids ...

The fact is that If you are looking for such qualities as above and want to have a respectable social status, then a Russian woman might be a 'treasure' for you.

Reason 3

Russian women are really looking to marry guys from other countries .ieinternational guys.Maybe you're asking yourself.They like to live outside their country is because
most women are looking for love and financial security. They need a physically strong and mature man next to them.

The fact is that most Russian women prefer to marry older guys because they feel secure by knowing they won't get dumped for a younger female.

Believe it or not, international marriage will never be boring, you'll have tons of stuff you can do with Russian women, like travelling all around the globe, seeing NEW places, visiting old and new friends & family and having fun.

Remember, cultural differences between you two should solidify your marriage; just make sure your relationship is based on communication, trust and sincerity.

If you've been in Russia before, you can talk a lot about it, don't you? That's an ace in your hand.

Steven Pronger is the webmaster at If you're interested in Russian ladies or simply want to find the best marriage agency check out the site above and discover a lot more.

Internet Dating - Its Not For Geeks

ten months ago an old school friend ,and I were chatting over coffee, putting the world to rights as women do. She was crying her lack of success in meeting the "right sort" of men. I asked if she had try using an internet dating service, and the look of horror that quickly appeared on her face gave the instant answer - "of course not!" Internet dating, she informed me, was for the sad, desperate, geeky or freaky.

This type of response is typical of people from all walks of life. Why sadly? Because those who dismiss such services are missing a great opportunity.

The traditional argument for not using the web to meet someone is because it is not natural. So what is natural? Where was people traditionally met their husbands, wives, lovers, and friends? Statistically, past 50 years the most common place for meeting ones spouse has been the workplace. This is hardly surprising given the ever increasing amounts of time most people are finding themselves working. Other common meeting places include bars, nightclubs, and parties, and some lucky few meet their lifetime partner early in life at college or university. However, the working place remains number one for long term relationships and togatherness. The reason for this is simple; lasting long term relationships are usually born out of boost friendships, and strong friendships form over time. Spend eight hours a day five days a week with the same people and you will get to know them very well. It is not uncommon in the modern world to spend more time with your colleagues than with your family, an unfortunate but true fact of life.It is true that people get more enjoyment from them
About The Author:
Sara Blackmoore is a relationship counselor and regular contributor to
She lives in London, England with her husband and two children.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Revealed: What Women Want When It Comes to a Guys Looks

As part of my research for a guide to style, I put together a focus group of 6 randomly chosen hot, single women between 21 and 33, to find out what styles in men they considered hot.

My goal was to find the things that they all agreed on.

The results were surprising,exactly because the issues the women had the strongest opinions about were ones that most guys would never think of.

1. YOUR TEETH. Bad teeth are "just gross" said one blonde bombshell, to the enthusiastic agreement of the others.

So in order to not have your teeth immediately disqualify you, keep them brushed twice a day, flossing at least once. And if they're rotten or badly stained, see your dentist ASAP.

However, don't go crazy with the teeth whitener. "No one wants to kiss Chiclet Mouth," added the blonde.

2. YOUR HANDS. Women notice right off the bat if your hands are covered with dirt or is also diqualifies you

"If you work with your hands," said one woman, "that's not the first thing a woman should notice about you."

So auto mechanics, construction workers, and other blue collar types, listen up.

"It's not what a person does," explained another chick. "It's just about taking care of yourself. If you can't even wash your hands, what does that say about you?"

3. YOUR CLOTHES. When you're wearing jeans, leave the tennis shoes at home.

"I am a believer that athletic gear is for exercise," said a part-time model in her mid-20s. "Some boys wear only tennis shoes and that's just annoying. It shows immaturity."

Good shoes instead are loafers or boots.

Try to be neat without being anal. "You should not look sloppy," said the blonde, "but don't look so put together that you appear obsessive-compulsive."

And, be an individual, agreed the women. If you've got that one shirt that only you love, you should still wear it, even if it is somewhat "uncool." For example, take a hawaiian shirt with a flamingo on it. Some guy who absolutely loves it can wear that shirt.

So the bottom is that a few guys can indeed pull off wearing the tennis shoes.

Sound confusing? It isn't once you realize that the simple test is this: Are you wearing clothes that display your core personality?

As one woman explained it, "You should be comfortable with what you're wearing and like what you're wearing, because women will pick up on that."

So in other words, the perfect style for you comes down to personal preferences and your individual sense of style. You can't make one rule for everything, except just be your genuine self.

John Alexander is the developer of How to Become an Alpha Male, a seduction success system for men. Learn 7 simple secrets to changing your "appearance"... as soon as tonight... that will immediately double or even triple your attractiveness to women!